Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Start of Something New

Well here it is, my first teaching blog. I am joining the ranks of hundreds of other teachers who share what they do on a daily basis with the "world wide web." I have known for a long time that I wanted to do a blog of my first year (at least) in my own classroom, and I can hardly believe it is here! Let me give you a little background about me. I am 27 years old and have been with the most wonderful man for 11 years. If you do the math that means we got together when I was 16 years old! We got married July 8, 2006, and it has been an adventure every step of the way!
My hubby is trained as a Youth Pastor, but is "playing" with tools until God shows us our next ministry opportunity. We are goofy, mushy with each other, laugh a lot, and are in-love as ever...sigh, I just love him!
 Being Goofy...
Being Mushy...
We don't have children of our own yet, but we do have 2 nieces and 2 nephews that we are IN LOVE with! They light up our life, and make us giggle and laugh at the funny things they do!
Isaiah just turned ONE, and he is my sister and brother-in-law's baby boy! 
Sam's brother and his wife have three little ones, Sarah (4), Isaac (2) and Leah (5 months). The things they say are hysterical...they are the funniest kids...really!
She loves to pose!
Listening to Uncle Sam read "Dooby, Dooby Moo" in funny voices.
This was taken when Leah was still NEW, but I just love the picture!

Okay, back to the whole teaching thing lol :) Since I was young, the only thing I remember ever wanting to be, was a teacher. I made my sister play school with me all the time, and I would give her pretend spelling tests and mark her work...anyone else do the same? So when I graduated from the University of British Columbia in November 2009 it was truly a life-long dream coming true.
 My sister and I at my Graduation from UBC.
The past three years I have done several different jobs related to education: personal tutor, special education assistant, learning assistance teacher and teacher-on-call...but I was still holding out hope that one day I would get my coveted Grade 1 or early primary classroom. Well, this past May I was hired for a Grade 1/2 classroom and the rest is history!! This summer has been filled with daydreaming about teaching strategies, PINTEREST, painting, preparing lessons, cutting out millions of letters and shapes on my Cricut, and happy dances because I get to teach 27 little ones this Fall! If you are a fellow teacher, I hope you can relate to that giddiness that comes when you create an awesome lesson, purchase new read-alouds or download an amazing freebie from Teachers Pay Teachers...isn't it awesome to be passionate about our jobs?

In the next couple weeks I will be blogging many of the preparations I have been doing in my classroom. I have painted, scrubbed and made an empty classroom feel like home (almost, it is not quite done LOL), and I can't wait to share it with you!

With Love,

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